"POLITICS IN WEST AFRICA":"Is the "Ivory Coast" a banana republic in disguise with "ALLASANE OUATTARA" in power?
Le 11 février 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - Since "Allassane OUATTARA" took over in the "IVORY COAST" with the backing of his international allies, everything seems to turn upside down in this french west
Le 11 février 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - Since "Allassane OUATTARA" took over in the "IVORY COAST" with the backing of his international allies, everything seems to turn upside down in this french west
african country country: The country seems to be gradually labeled as a banana republic or a no man's land, where no official laws is being passed and observed closely with the ivorian parliament: Moreover, the permanent violations of the fundamental human rigths, lack of freedom of speech, backward democracy, tribalism and nepotism are the bedrocks of the current ivorian regime! But internationally, this sad reality seems to be hidden and supported by a so called oriented propaganda in some western mass media. In the same trend, one has to take into account a major fact since the ivorian current regime lost recently the support of one of his main ally(USa)...First and foremost, to take stock of what is taking place politically in the "Ivory Coast", one has to realize that Sovereignty is gradually scattering in the "Ivory COAST": Sovereignty sounds differently in the "Ivory Coast" since "ALLASSANE Ouattara" has been in power, because the country is in another unprecedented remote control system or new settlement period. Right now, only "Allassane Ouattara's cabinet has the right to pass any laws in the country, without the consent of the ivorian parliament in deep slumber. Knowing that basically, Sovereignty belongs to the body which has the right to make laws for a country! For example in some european countries "Britain" and "FRANCE", this body is the parliament...With one major qualification, specially "Britain" is a conspicuous example of clear concentrated sovereignty. Parliament can make whatever laws it likes, it can not bind its successors, judges can not overturn its legislation and no other body can make laws applying to the country. In addition to that, Sovereignty also has external dimension which is the recognition in international law that a state has jurisdiction over a territory. Therefore, external sovereignty matters, because all states claim the right to regulate the relationships between their country and the rest of the world. In fact, external sovereignty grows ever more important as the world becomes more interdependent nowadays!" Finally, to claim sovereignty is to put a warning sign to other states, saying "Keep out"! As far as the "Ivory Coast" is concerned, "ALLASSANE OUATTTARA" seems to rule the country, when giving a bare cheque to his main ally(French right wing):It's even evident and clear, when referring to the number of "Allassane OUATTARA's so called french counselors in his cabinet...Furthermore, the recent military partnership closely with France points out that the "Ivory Coast" seems to experience a new settlement period, in which president "Allassane OUATARA" is just a remote control of top official french men. TIME WILL REALLY TELL
(Yves T Bouazo)
"Sport dans les Hauts-de-Seine": "AU MENU DE CE WEEK-END SPORTIF à "Boulogne Billancourt":(Hand-ball, Basket-Ball, Volley-Ball)(...)
Ce week-end sportif sera bien garni à "Boulogne Billancourt" près de Paris: Ainsi, "l'ACBB"(l'équipe de boulogne) reçoit le "CHESNAY" en Hand-ball le samedi 11 Février à 20h 30 au gymnase "Paul SOURIOU", sis au (30 rue de Seine).En Basket-ball, "l'ACBB" reçoit l'équipe de la ville "Puteaux"(Csm) le samedi 11 février à 20h30 au gymnase Paul BERT(9,RUE PAUL BERT).Pour clore la boucle des rencontres sportives boulonaises, "l'ACBB" (nationale féminine) sera opposée au "Tfcoc2" le dimanche 12 Février à 14h au gymnase Couchot(situé au 2 Rue Couchot).
(Yves T Bouazo)