"Economy in the Ivory Coast: "Is president "Allassane Ouattara" loosing the support of his main ally(America)?

Le 04 novembre 2011 par IVOIREBUSINESS - What comes around, goes around, also when there is smoke there is fire, someone said in the

Alassane Ouattara saluant Barack Obama en marge du G20 de Deauville.

Le 04 novembre 2011 par IVOIREBUSINESS - What comes around, goes around, also when there is smoke there is fire, someone said in the

Usa...Meanwhile,the key determinant of policy style today in most of the african countries is lack of government capacity. Even at the centre of a nation, some african states are often taken over by dominant groups(military)like rebel soldiers in the current turmoil in the "Ivory Coast",also by ethnic or class based the in the "ivory Coast" right now, which unfortunately exploit the state's resources for their own benefit! Let's go back to the facts as far as the "Ivory Coast" is concerned: In 2001-2002, the world bank and AMERICA have pressured former ivorian president "Laurent Gbagbo" to liberalise the commodities field in the "IVORY Coast", being the largest producer of Cacao worldwide.Consequently, the "Ivory Coast" and the world bank have finally come to an agreement for the implementation of this so called commodities liberalisation policy in the "Ivory Coast".ivorian history can record that under former president "Gbagbo's rule, the ivorian farmers as a whole, have highly benefited from commodities liberalisation policy by having an entire control over the ivorian commodities in the new economic order of globalisation.Now, the controversy will still go on when president "ALLASSANE OUATTARA" keeps on being versus the former commodities liberalisation policy system in the "Ivory Coast",exhorted by the world bank and America...therefore, the economic table seems to turn when president "Allassane Ouattara" recently passed a bill to have an entire control over the commodities field(Cacao, coffee) in the "Ivory COAST" in the new international background of globalisation.That means clearly, the world bank's policy is at stake under president "ALLASANE Ouattara's rule in the "Ivory Coast"...Meanwhile, president "Allassane Ouattara" seems also to consider to some point the ivorian national treasure his own in a rich country, the "IVORY Coast", being the largest exporter of commodities in AFRICA. in addition to that crucial reality, he has been accused of blatant nepotism!.But the relevant question is, what will be the final position of the world bank and AMERICA in the short run, being sticked to liberalisation policy in the "Ivory COAST"? In another word,IS president "ALLASSANE OUATTARA" loosing gradually the entire support of his main ally(USA) on huge cash money profits grounds,knowing that bad decisions can also foster unexpected drawbacks to some extent...TIME WILL TELL.