"Spotlight on the current recession in Usa": "Barack Obama is trying hard to get rid of a long recession"
Le 18 juillet 2011 par IvoireBusiness - What comes around, goes around, someone said in the Usa! the first super power of the world (Usa), is still going through economic
Le 18 juillet 2011 par IvoireBusiness - What comes around, goes around, someone said in the Usa! the first super power of the world (Usa), is still going through economic
tribulation! It's indeed the conspicuous evidences that there are so many ups and downs in this world of globalization and competition. Meanwhile, as far as jobs opportunities are concerned in the Usa, it's really bad news for president "Barack Obama", the first black president of "the united states of America». Basically, a recent international report stated that the job market is not improving in the USA, but is getting worse! In the same trend, american economists assert that Usa great recession lasted from 2007 to 2009...Since the end of recession, the overall unemployment rate has fallen 8.4% to 9,1%.However, for black americans unemployment has risen from 14.7% to 16.2% according to the department of labour. Also college educated blacks fared worse than their white counterparts in the recession. In 2007, unemployment college educated whites was 1,8% and for college educated blacks, it was 2,7%.Now, the college educated unemployment rate is 3;9% for whites and 7 % blacks when "Obama" elected as soon as possible, the "United states of America" passed a "stimilus bill»: Trillions of dollars was approved to put the american economy back on tract, and to get the americans working again. However, the recent jobs prove all that money did very little to help the american people. The money basically went directly to help big banks and companies that were at risk of falling and going out of business. On the other hand, many small businesses and small banks were shut down! SO, these big banks and big companies promised to hire people that were laid off as a result. of the recession, but until now, there is no evidence. But the controversy will still go on when american economic tribulation will unquestionably affect the global world.» Obama’s" Betrayal portrayed by black leaders in the Usa:" According to the history of american presidency, no president has ever won re-election with the unemployment numbers being as high as it right now in the Usa! People are really angry in America, because they are experiencing a lot of money to pay for two wars that are not completely over. Moerover, as far as the black community is concerned in USA, young people voted in high numbers for "Obama». Therefore, he has a lot of support from these groups, because the recession has affected them the most! Many black leaders have written articles about "Obama's betrayal of the black and poor community. For example,» Princeton professor Corned West", member of the black american elite pointed out this sad reality through the american website called "truthdig.com", recently he noticed that "Barack Obama" could have provided some way out but he lacked backbone. He also said that "Obama" has sold out the poor and became "A black mascot of Wall street oligarchs and black puppet of corporate plutocrats". He ended by saying that he does not think in good conscience, he could tell any body to vote for "Obama"...Never forget the fact that "professor Corned West" is considered as an important voice for the black american community, also for the poor class in Usa, "professor Corned West" looks a lot like "Malcom X"...
Yves T Bouazo in collaboration with Queen Adina Legare from Georgia-USA