World: We the People
Le 01 octobre 2011 par IvoireBusiness - There is an uprising happening all over the world. People are frustrated with the conditions in their country, and have begun to
Le 01 octobre 2011 par IvoireBusiness - There is an uprising happening all over the world. People are frustrated with the conditions in their country, and have begun to
join different Movements to protest their concerns. Protestors are demonstrating their dissatisfaction with politicians that are in a leadership position. In this event, to some people it may appear that their leaders are not leading their country in a manner that strengthens their country, and allows all of its citizens an opportunity to enjoy a basic quality of life.
Nicholas Kulish from the New York Times recently reported that across the globe from Spain and Greece to Israel and India, political protests are being motivated by economic inequality. Also because there is a growing feeling that democratic institutions are failing. Nicholas Kulish stated “They are taking to the streets, in part, because they have little faith in the Ballot Box”.
People all over the world share common grievances. They want government to work for them, and to ensure that their Rights are protected under the Laws of their country. People want opportunities for Employment, Education, affordable Health Care, affordable Housing, and various Social programs that they can benefit from. Heavy indebted federal governments in many countries have started pulling back from social spending.
The Global economy is at risk of experiencing a recession. It has been reported that top global finance officials are pledging to work decisively and in a coordinated way to deal with the European debt crisis and other dangers confronting the global economy. The International Monetary Fund's policy-setting committee says the economy has entered a dangerous new phase. The panel says close watching of the situation and a willingness to take bold actions quickly is crucial.
People are tired of struggling while the Rich get richer, and the Poor get poorer. In the United States, the income disparity between the wealthiest and poorest Americans expanded to a record high in 2009 according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. The incomes and wages have flat lined. American families are working harder, making less, and are having higher expenses. The United States income gap between rich and poor is the greatest among western industrialized nations.
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