Par IvoireBusiness/ Débats et Opinions - LETTER TO PRESIDENT OBAMA.
Dear President,
Would you accept my apology for not being formal in my letter? As you can imagine, the subjects I am going to deal with are so pressing that I do not find necessary to take into account all the ingredients required by an official letter. I am sure that you will accept my conduct.
First, to your family, to your close friends, to your government and to you, I wish merry Christmas and a very happy new year.
Secondly, Dear President, I shall go straight to the point as I am aware that you are a very busy person and reading a long letter from me could impede your time table. I dare not to do that. So, as the year 2014 is closing its doors, 2015 is getting ready to welcome us in its meanders and your last mandate is running out, I want to ask you what your legacy would be once you leave the White House.
Before that, let me, Dear President, tell you that I was one of the rare skeptics who knew from the beginning that you will not be a good Commander in chief. For that position of mine, I was vilified, attacked as someone who does not like his own race progress and so on. I was even branded as “an agent of the slave masters and an Israeli agent”. This happened when you were running against Mrs. Hillary Clinton, the apostle of the “iron fist” (the world has not forgotten her joy when Gadhafi was assassinated). She said: “we came, we saw and he died”. The rest, the Libyans have only their eyes to cry. Their country has become a deadly jungle.
Coming back to the attacks I was subjected to; let us make very clear that I knew that I was not surprised. I was navigating in the opposite direction. I was hosting a radio program “Politiquement Vôtre” (Politically Yours) at Connexion FM. I put the following question to the audience: “do you thing Mr. Obama, if he wins, will be a good president for the USA and a good leader for the whole world?” Definitely, no one tried to answer the question. The callers were asking back about my race, my intention toward you, where I was living, if I had children so that they could deal with them, so on and so on.
Some callers even stated that I was against women because I mentioned that the USA was not ready to bring the Clinton back at the White House just few years after this family left and especially with a woman as president. I was just saying that you, Mr. Obama will win the primaries against Hillary as the Americans, despite their democratic lessons to the rest of the world, were not ready to accept Mrs. Clinton as their Chief Commander.
Anyway, this is the price you pay when you want to awake the world that seems to be under a black magic spell. I accept entirely the consequences of my “disobedience” to the crowd. En the end, you won everything. From Africa to Europe, Asia and elsewhere, people celebrated a “new era”. But, I did maintain my position. You will not be the savior the world saw in your appointment as the first American Commander.
I did say that you were elected to serve as a “torch” that your country, the USA and its allies will use “to hunt and kill who does not do your way” or “as told”. The facts seem to prove that I was and I am right.
1-Libya: could you, Dear President, say that your mission was successful? I do not want to go in details here as your time is very precious. But, the verdict is that, instead of “yes we can”, you simply failed big time.
2-Israel and Palestine: the two states solution; another campaign big promise. You failed again big time.
3-Ivory Coast: despite the warning of some imminent experts on the issues of the Ivory Coast. Are you satisfied with the human rights abuses that are going on in the country under your “friend” Allassane Dramane Ouattara’s nose? You are a lawyer and as such, do you believe that law is prevailing in the Ivory Coast?
4-Democratic Republic of Congo. Dear President, are you happy with what the population is enduring while your own children are attending the best schools America can offer for a better future? Women in that part of Africa are going through any unimaginable kinds of violence. Are you really, really content? Is it that you called “strong institutions for Africa?”
5-Mali is another example of your failed legacy. Historical monuments and other sources of knowledge have been destroyed under your watch.
6-Ebola, yes Ebola; this warfare highly destructive weapon has become the second name of Africa. Even you are “the President of the Americans”, do not forget that you owe some duties to Africa. No one is recording the dead anymore. All this is your legacy, your failed legacy.
7-More than 200 school-girls kidnapped in the north of Nigeria. You forgot that Mr. Jonathan Badluck (Goodluck) was your best friend in the killing of innocent Ivorians and in the creation of no fly zone in Libya. With all your sophisticated equipment, you cannot find the killing machine called Boko Haram. Are you aware that fingers are pointed at you and at France as the fathers of this blood thirsty group? Do you know that the same people say that France and you want to divide Nigeria for the sake of oil and other raw materials? How cannot you find Koko Haram who has not moved from their Head Quarters, the North of Nigeria?
8-Guantanamo, another unfulfilled promise to the entire world. In fact, I know nothing you are good at. Apart from your empty speeches and the surprise visits you pay to local fast food restaurants, I do not see where history will keep you in its books. When are you going to close this prison where prisoners are daily abused?
9-You talk about “free speech” when it comes to others like North Korea that banned a film by Sonny. What do you say about Mr. Snowden, Mr. Julian Assange and the former American soldiers let down by you and put in quarantine? Where is the lawyer you were few years back?
10-Syria, what have you achieved there? You sent the country to the prehistoric era, nothing else.
11-You promised to return “the Boys and Girls” home from the wreckage of Iraq. You failed, in fact, you increased their number.
12-Internally, under your presidency, more African Americans are losing their lives in the hands of white supremacist police officers. Some places in the country you are leading have become “no go areas” for the African Americans and what do you do to change this? Nothing!
Dear president, let us be clear with you. Your forfeiture as President has let the African American down. You betrayed the “I have a dream” of Dr. Martin Luther King JR., the fighting spirit of Rev. Jesse Jackson the hope the blacks around the world have placed in you. Because of that, I do not see another African American becoming the first American Commander in the next two centuries. The precedent you are about to leave is biter and sickening.
Sylvain De Bogou (an African African)