"Politics in West Africa": "Opposition political rally turned deadly in "Abidjan"(economic capital city of the "Ivory Coast")!
Le 23 janvier 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - Opposition peaceful rally turned deadly on Saturday (21st of January in the popular district called "Yopougon" in Abidjan):a continuous
Le 23 janvier 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - Opposition peaceful rally turned deadly on Saturday (21st of January in the popular district called "Yopougon" in Abidjan):a continuous
dark sign for the implementation of a true democracy in this west african country, the "Ivory Coast"! According to credible sources, innocent civilians opposition activists being shot dead by rebel soldiers(Frci) close to president "Allasane Ouattara's regime, his bedrock right now! Meanwhile, "Jhonny too bad"seems to be the wicked sherif in this no man's land, where trampling permanently on the fundamental human rights is the daily cup of coffee and national anthem of the ivorian natives ...Moreover, as far as the victims are concerned during that political rally of the ivorian popular front(Fpi-political party of former president "Laurent Gbagbo"), more than one hundred people got also severely wounded, after rebel soldiers(Frci) started agressing blindly innocent civilians , shooting and tearing gas!When will it end? Is the "Ivory Coast" bound to suffer eternally, being dramatically transformed into a so called earthly hell since "Allassane Ouattara" took over? Did "Allasane Ouattara" take into account Us foreign secretary "Hilary Clinton" piece of advice recently, concerning the western values of democracy? It seems really that, it's the right time for the ivorian current government, still suffering from a popular legitimacy, to meditate on contemporary democracy issues... It's not too late to make a progressive move on democracy values! Who the cap fits, let him wear it!
(Yves T Bouazo)