Le 25 novembre 2011 par IVOIREBUSINESS - Increasingly, president "Allassane Ouattara" seems to be a tragic figure, being accused of nepotism, corruption and backward bureaucracy by the ivorian

César Etou, Didier Depri et Boga Sivori.

Le 25 novembre 2011 par IVOIREBUSINESS - Increasingly, president "Allassane Ouattara" seems to be a tragic figure, being accused of nepotism, corruption and backward bureaucracy by the ivorian

press from close to the left wing: IN the same trend, the daily newspaper "NOTRE VOIE" has recently pointed out the fact, through a fair and relevant article, that President "Allassane Ouattara" sems to consider the ivorian national treasure his own, by buying expensive cars specially (40 brand new Mercedes) while the ivorian people is still dying of starvation in this post war period. Never forget the fact that, he also bought previoulsly an expensive private jet in a country going through a post war economic recession! Finally, the cup seems to be emptied, when jounalists from "notre voie" emphasized that the ivory coast'currency(franc cfa) days seem to be numbered and might be devalued in the short run...That are basically the major reasons why the three journalists from the left wing newspaper "NOTRE VOIE' have been arrested the 23rd of NOVEMBER 2011.Perhaps, president "ALLASANE OUATTARA" will issue a letter of instruction in the days to come, ordering his press secretary and the defense secretary to take over and control or cause the taking over and control of the mass media in the "Ivory Coast" for the duration of his new so called regime, or until otherwise ordered by him, or by his duly designated representative. We are unquestionably on an eventual dictatorship road in the "IVORY coast". Nobody knows..

(YVES T Bouazo)