"Evangelical spirituality":"Moses' connection with the land of Canaan"(Reverend Benny HINN's ministry)

Le 15 novembre 2011 par IVOIREBUSINESS - According to the jews american reverend "Benny Hinn's preachings, when "Moses" began teaching the children of "Israel" about giving, he took an offering for

Le 15 novembre 2011 par IVOIREBUSINESS - According to the jews american reverend "Benny Hinn's preachings, when "Moses" began teaching the children of "Israel" about giving, he took an offering for

the tabernacle.The people gave 50.000 ounces of gold and over 200.000 ounces of silver for that building in the desert.Finally,"Moses" had to say "no more", go home.keep your money!As a result of their generous giving, when they finally possessed the land of "Canaan", God gave them the wealth of seven nations.Because the israelites, giving hearts,God blessed their nation so much that,under "king Salomon's" reign, Gold became like rocks.There was so much in "ISRAEL" that when the foreign powers,the "Assyrians","babylonians", and other nations came in to possess or invade the land, they also took the gold.Still there was so much gold that it took 400 years for foreign powers to carry all the gold away.Imagine Gold so plentiful that it was like dust!"Prosperity has always been the result of righteousness".We are told in scripture, "in the house of the righteous is much treasure"(Proverbs 15:6) And "wealth and riches shall be in his house": "And his righteousness endureth for ever"(psalm 112:3).Can't you see that God wants to bless his righteous children, then and now? It's time to stop thinking lack and poverty.It's time to start thinking as God thinks.THe LORD jESUS said: Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again(Luke 6:38)."Jesus christ" never promised that we would receive just a little; he promised that we would receive abundantly.But he also taught the key:"But seek ye first the kingdom of GOD, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you"(Matthew 6:33) Added" here means surplus!Added means that you'll have more than enough!The promises in the world of God himself.They are so strong and solid that they can not be broken:"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away"(Matthew 24:35) "As you give, if you seek the kingdom first, you can rest assured that you have surplus, no matter what is happening to the economy around you"."Just step out in faith".As you prove yourself to God, God will prove himself to you.I haven't always known that.When i first got into ministry, i fell into deep debt.I STARTED PREACHING IN 1974 AND BY 1977 I WAS 200.000(USA dollars) in debt!A young, single man, i was scared to death...The crowds were growing bigger and bigger, so when i was given the opportunity to go on a network, i signed a contract to do 28 programs.That money had to be paid whether one red cent came in or not.I learned some very hard lessons, and i also saw God work mighty miracles of debt cancellation when i began giving toward the kingdom, even though i could not humanly afford to give anything.I don't just teach kingdom principles of sowing and reaping.I have lived it in the midst of pressure and overwhelming need.As the ministry has grown, our financial needs sometimes seem like an engulfing tidal wave.But God continues to show me that the promises in his word are big enough, even as the ministry expands during these prophetic days.