Débats et Opinions: Laurent Gbagbo, the indisputable leader for the stability in Côte d'Ivoire, By Nimba Tiannimbo Mhaat

Par IvoireBusiness/ Débats et Opinions - Laurent Gbagbo, the indisputable leader for the stability in Côte d'Ivoire, By Nimba Tiannimbo Mhaat.

Inauguration Day for Président Laurent Gbagbo in 2010.


Despite being held at ICC prison by France, and certain Western countries interest groups, President Laurent Gbagbo remains the indisputable leader in the political and economical progresses of Côte d’Ivoire ( Ivory Coast). This is why he has been chosen and declared as the president of his political party FPI ( Ivorian Popular Front ) for the upcoming presidential election of October 2015. By the way Allassane Dramane Ouattara can't be a candidate because his mandate will end on October 2015 after the election. Laurent Gbagbo, this African president who has dared to stand his ground up against the recolonization of his country by France.

To start, let's be clear here by saying that in the election of 2010, President Laurent Gbagbo was the candidate of the Ivorian people who were aspiring for sovereignty while the other candidate named Allassane Dramane Ouattara was the candidate of the so-called " international community" ( France, USA, and France). For those people who have some critical thinking, from this point they can clearly understand the shenanigan of the post-electoral crisis of 2011 in Cote d'Ivoire where ,not to parrot the number of 3000 people killed, but more than 20,000 people have lost their lives in Cote d'Ivoire ( Ivory Coast). You can understand why the French media was so quick to dispatch the propaganda by announcing the " victory" of the candidate of the "international community" and President Laurent Gbagbo as the "loser". The French media's tune was followed by others Western media and unfortunately many people around the world who for the most part get their information from those Western media which are for the most part advancing the agenda of the West's imperialism.

Sometimes it is funny and at the same time deplorable to hear others people who don't know the political context in Côte d’Ivoire always have something to say about Laurent Gbagbo as the " candidate who lost the election and did not want to step down", or " He was encouraging xenophobia in Cote d'Ivoire", and others things that have nothing to do with the reality in Cote d'Ivoire. The formed "opinions" from each individual on the political landscape in Cote d'Ivoire can be based on a medley of ignorance, religion or regional tendencies, or by hypocrisy, or either being misinformed by the Western media who are pretty much against any nationalist African leader such as Laurent Gbagbo, Robert Mugabe,and others African leaders who have categorically refused to see their countries under the hegemony of the West.

For us who are not only political analysts, but also have lived the crisis for being on the ground, we are well in good position to give subjective opinions and analysis on what is exactly happening in this west African country which has known its worst period since 2002 until today. To not really go too deep, we can in a more objective approach concerning the situation in Côte d’Ivoire and also why President Laurent Gbagbo who is currently being held as prisoner at ICC to understand why he has been chosen by his party as the candidate of the presidential election scheduled for October 2015 if everything goes right as well as why Allassane Dramane Ouattara,the candidate of the " international community" is not eligible for this upcoming election. President Gbagbo will be the candidate for the people against others Ivorian candidates for this presidential election. The only person who will be illegible and illegal for this presidential election will be Mr. Allassane Dramane Ouattara.

President Laurent Gbagbo remains today the indisputable leader in Côte d’Ivoire. He has emerged as a compelling figure in the political arena Since he has been deported at ICC prison by France, his popularity has exponentially increased. His ICC prison cell has become a place where many Ivorian politicians and civilian activists come to meet him and discuss about the social,economical,and political lives in Cote d'Ivoire/ Ivory Coast. President Laurent Gbagbo has gained respect from many African political actors, activists, leaders, societal civilians, and others world's leaders have been convinced by his effective leadership because at any situation, his adherence to the core set of values have never been abandoned or diluted even in the most dire circumstances. This is why in 2011, when the French helicopters and tanks were bombing his presidential palace while inside, President Laurent Gbagbo has accepted to have an interview with French journalist on the phone. President Laurent Gbagbo is the candidate for the people and not for the French,American, or British corporations. This is why the majority of the Ivorian people love him because he is at their service and not for the interest of the Western corporations which have one objective: loot the resources of Africa.

By Nimba Tiannimbo Mhaat, International Economics and Politics Analyst