Alassane Dramane Ouattara. Image d'archives.

A decade-long-politico-military crisis engendered by France for regime change in Côte d’Ivoire ( Ivory Coast) is far to end viewing the contrasting picture we are witnessing. After the coup d’Ėtat of April 11, 2001 orchestrated by France, U.N. U.S. and their controlled client Allassane Dramane Ouattara in ousting a democratically elected President Laurent Gbagbo, the country is marked by political and economic instabilities. Despite all the big money behind the marketing of exposing the “the booming of the economy under Allassane Dramane Ouattara”, although the reality on the ground is more than this rhetoric that the regime of Allassane Ouattara and his Western-backers want to make the Ivorian people to freely swallow it. The majority of the Ivorian people don’t see this “economic growth” sung by the regime in their daily lives.

Many West’s political and investors who were supporting Allassane Dramane Ouattara before the presidential election of 2010 which was rigged by his rebel-stronghold partisans, are today for the most part wholly unimpressed with his economic and political managements. Now let’s be focused on the upcoming presidential election of October 2015. When we analyze all the aspects surrounding it, there is a high risk of explosion on the horizon viewing that Allassane Dramane Ouattara wants to a candidate for this election.

The Ivorian Constitution says that Allassane Dramane Ouattara must step down at the end of 2015 and he is not eligible for the upcoming presidential election. Presumably in being aware of that, Allassane Ouattara has himself had the courage to recognize his illegibility by confessing that his own “judicial cabinet” has advised him to use any “jurisprudence tactic” which will force him to present himself as a candidate for this next election of October 2015 by modifying the Article 48 of the Ivorian Constitution which stipulates that: “ First Article: It is only conformed at this exceptional and only title to this presidential election of October 2005, all the candidates who are represented by the political parties which have signed the accords of Linas-Marcoussis will be in accordance with the dispositions of the constitutional Legislative and the active regulatory ”.

“ In accordance with this article, and based on that, from this moment, I decide just for this presidential of October 2005 ( ---) the candidates nominated by the political parties which are the signatories of the agreements of Linas-Marcoussis are eligible. Therefore, Mr. Allassane Dramane Ouattara [ the leader of the terrorist group Forces Nouvelles, now recalled FRCI backed by France ] if desiring, he can apply for his candidacy for just this election ”.- Declared by President Laurent Gbagbo .

Concurrently at that period with the Côte d'Ivoire’s deep political and structural problems due the refusal of the terrorist group “Force Nouvelles” to disarm and France backing them to topple President Gbagbo, the presidential election did not take place even though Henri Konan Bédié and Alassane Ouattara who were not qualified because they did not fulfilling all the conditions of their eligibility , and just for the sake of bringing peace in the country, had been admitted to be candidates under the sacrificial decisions taken by President Laurent Gbagbo across this Article 48 of the Constitution which was applied in the presidential election of 2010 even though the terrorist group of Allassane Dramane Ouattara did not respect the agreement to disarm before going to the presidential election. They knew that they will not win the election due to their unpopularity vis-á-vis President ruling party FPI.

How did we get there? This is the relative facts at this issue. On September 19,2002, Côte d'Ivoire is attacked by a heavily armed terrorist group led by Guillaume Soro and Allassane Ouattara who were financed and supported by France. After their failed coup d’Etat to overthrow President Laurent Gbagbo, the country has entered in a politico-military war engendered by France, US, and U.N. for regime change in Côte d'Ivoire with the splintering of the country in two parts: the terrorist group “Force Nouvelles” being pushed out of Abidjan by the loyalist force army of Côte d'Ivoire, have managed to seize the north and western parts of the country, while the governmental forces holding the southern part of the country.

To try to bring peace to the country, the government of President Gbagbo has accepted to engage in many negotiations that started in 2003. Different agreements were signed between the Ivorian government and the terrorist groups led by Allassane Ouattara. The Linas-Marcoussis-France accords were too bad because it was basically to take more power from President Gbagbo and hand it to the leader of the terrorists Guillaume Soro that gave the announcement of another peace agreement that was held in Pretoria,South Africa under the presidency of Thabo Mbeki. It was from this Pretoria Accord based on finding the solution for the respect of the Article 35 ( To be a candidate of presidential election in Côte d'Ivoire,you must be from both parents Ivorian descendants) of the Ivorian Constitution that President Mbeki had addressed a mail to President Laurent Gbagbo in suggesting/ “begging” him to let all the signatories of the Linas-Marcoussis round table to be “eligible” at the presidential election of 2010. It is only under a political compromise just for the reunification of the country and to stop the suffering of the Ivorian people massacred by the terrorist groups that President Gbagbo had allowed the Burkina Faso-born Allassane Dramane Ouattara to be candidate for this presidential election.

Now, Allassane Ouattara after being parachuted as “ the Chief of State” of Côte d'Ivoire after the coup d’Etat of France on April 11, 2011 by overthrowing President Gbagbo, the country is not anymore divided, the terrorists of yesterday have become the “army “ of Cote d’Ivoire, the politico-military crisis has ended with the supposedly “victory” of the France and its lackeys. Therefore, the article 48 making Allassane Dramane Ouattara, “ an exceptional candidate for the solely presidential election 2010 signed by himself too” is not anymore valuable today. France and Allassane Ouattara are conscious about that. But as we all know, Allassane Dramane Ouattara has always be a outlaw personage defying anything smelling legal right, legitimacy and respect of Constitution. Any quiescence of violence, challenging the Ivorian people by flexing his muscle/ France’s backing him is relative to Allassane Ouattara’s way of doing thing.

The spectrum of the downfall of Blaise Compaoré, the former “President” of Burkina Faso, another ally of France, who faced a popular uprising after attempting to modify the constitution of his country to remove the term limits that will allow him to stay more in power, is flying on the air in Côte d'Ivoire. Will Allassane Dramane Ouattara defy the Ivorian people again by trying to change the Constitution of the country without passing through Referendum? The Ivorian population has fervently opposed to the revision of the Constitution which he is trying to do without their consent. The Constitution is saying that Allassane Ouattara must step down by the end of 2015 after letting organize the presidential election by letting another potential candidate voted by the majority of the people. Since being put in power by France, the political dialogue in the country has been stalled because of his high records of human right violations, the endemic corruption perpetrated by his regime, and his routinely prohibition of protests and the arresting of opposition leaders on dubious. Overall, the governance credentials of Allassane Dramane Ouattara is the worst of Africa.

For this upcoming presidential election of October 2015, Allassane Dramane Ouattara is not eligible and it doesn't matter what type of maneuver him and his Western backers in particular France, he will never have a legitimacy in this country. He will always considered as a usurper of power. This is his first and last term of being the "Head of State" of Côte d’Ivoire ( Ivory Coast) . How far the France's puppet in Côte d'Ivoire will go to try to stay in power? This time the Ivorian people as one are ready to die for the safeguard of their Constitution of the country and if Allassane Dramane Ouattara and his foreign-back armies will kill all the Ivorian people, so be it. We are taking the whole world as witness for what will happen in Côte d'Ivoire ( Ivory Coast) for the upcoming months if Allassane Dramane Ouattara dares to change the Constitution of the country in order to again steal the election as he did in 2010.

By Nimba Tiannimbo Mhaata, International Economics and Politics Analyst