"FRENCH PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS"(last round-May 6th):"France towards a new democratic alternation"?

Le 05 mai 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - After the recent spotlight on the fierce political debate between the french uncumbent president "Sarkozy" and his challenger "François Hollande", that took place on May 2nd, it appears increasingly, without

François Hollande au cours d'un meeting.

Le 05 mai 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - After the recent spotlight on the fierce political debate between the french uncumbent president "Sarkozy" and his challenger "François Hollande", that took place on May 2nd, it appears increasingly, without

doubt that left-wing leader, french socialist "François Hollande" seems to be the next french potential president, as far as credible sources are concerned, among them are official permanent opinion polls!In the same trend, french socialist "François Hollande" has just got the backing up of the french center party leader(Modem),("François Bayrou")(May 3rd), an unprecedented political support in the french political history, that can be labeled to some extent, as the first trumpet of french socialist's eventual victory!In addition to that crucial reality and political sign, most of the opinion polls are in favour of the socialist candidate "François Hollande" since MARCH 2012... knowing that the accuracy of opinion polls in predicting election outcomes is now officially well established worlwide, that's to say clearly, (May 6th) can be sooner labeled as a historical day, as far as politics is concerned in France! Being one of the european cornerstone of the fundamental human rights , a new socialist wave can also transform the country into a new european rainbow country, grounded in socialist values, such as: social justice, freedom, brotherhood, tolerance, peace and love, equal rights and justice with "François Hollande's touch! Wait and see!

(Yves T Bouazo)