USA: "Focus on the American independence day"(July 4 th)

Le 04 juillet 2011 par IvoireBusiness - Nowadays, the African Americans as a whole have been reflecting on" American Independence

Barack Obama, Président des Usa.

Le 04 juillet 2011 par IvoireBusiness - Nowadays, the African Americans as a whole have been reflecting on" American Independence

day"(July 4th 2001) and thinking about what it means to them! As most of the black Americans meditated, they finally realized that it really means something different for every American. Black American's history can record that they broke free from the shackles, and were able to form their own nation protected by the constitution of the United states of America. However, this constitution consists of bills of rights for Americans: It was not designed for slaves or for women. Basically, “Independence day" is not the fourth of July, because all Americans were not able to partake in the blessings of living in a free society: White men became the rulers of this nation and are the forefathers of a country that broke free from the shackles of oppression, but then enslaved its own citizens through various methods. There is a popular saying in AMERICA:" What comes around, goes around"...Although, "America" is still viewed as a strong nation and continues to offer many freedoms than other countries do not offer; it is struggling to survive as a leader. It is basically struggling financially. The United States of America "Dept" that has reached the trillions! For most Americans did not even know that money could reach in the trillions. So they once free nation is now in bondage that people refer as "Dept". Dept is to some extent a type of bondage, because one is not not free if one owes everybody. Right now, "America" is at risk, because countries that own American’s "Dept" can start predicting how the Americans must run their free nation. And that's the fear that many Americans have now in this new millennium, because the country as a whole is experiencing high employment rate and government assistance have not helped very much to bring down these numbers. Is it the first trumpet showing the day the dollar dies near? Nobody knows till now. But "America" is grounded in a solid and effective economy, and can at any time wake and live!

Yves T Bouazo in collaboration with Queen Adina Legare (Georgia-Usa)