Par Correspondance particulière - WE ARE FOR PRESIDENT MUGABE.
Zimbabwe is today the only liberated and sovereign Black African nation due to this revolutionary policy of indigenization put in place by this great African leader: His Excellency Robert Mugabe. Don’t even say South Africa or Nigeria. They are all the pawns of the West. We are seizing the opportunity here to salute the victory of President Mugabe and the ZANU-PF at the presidential election over the stooge so-called “party” of MDC,the West’s local Black puppets. Despite, the US $2.7 billion that the European Union and US have financed their 3,500 NGOs,pro-MDC without forgetting the pirate radio stations based in Europe and America to intensively broadcast propaganda into Zimbabwe against President Mugabe and the ZANU-PF, the people of Zimbabwe know who is for their best interest and this is why the People’s Manifesto of ZANU-PF went home dry and clean.
President Mugabe has proven himself and to the rest of the world that he is the man with the interest of the African people in Zimbabwe and not for the West. As the founder of this nation, his idea and values are very well understood by the Zimbabweans. President Mugabe’s presidential victory is a resounding victory for the future of the African continent. His Zimbabwe’s Indigenisation Program is the real model for African economical decolonization under the diktat of the West. Hopefully many African politicians will look to Zimbabwe as a point of true reference to break away from the perverted capitalism or the gluttoism of the West.
The biggest insult on African people is to see the audacity for one country in particular the Western countries to come into any African country and literally “buy” or take by force the lands, assets which for many African people represent their key security and survival elements for the inhabitants. And going through this we have as African people ask ourselves these questions:What gives the right to the European people to grab lands in Africa?
Why the West is negatively acting toward the land reform or the indigenization process of the government of President Robert Mugabe if it was the only country in the world and the first one to implement this type of policy? Did the US, China, South Korea and many others countries around the world never protect their domestic, core reliance or national advantages by exempting them from any foreign ownership? Why is that an African country such as Zimbabwe for almost 100 years,yes you hear me,I said for a lasting 100 years,has seen its African people being discriminated against any socially, extrajudicially, politically and economically activities on their ancestral lands by aliens who came from Europe, are now taking back their proprieties and it become such a big fuzz? Oooh, I see. Ah,because they are “Blacks”. That is why. This is exactly what the Caucasian/”White” people mind operate. For them, even being the last human beings to appear on the face of the earth, they feel themselves “superior” to anybody and especially the African people who are by no doubt the first human beings on earth and the fathers and mothers of civilization.
For 100 years ago, the European people through the British South Africa Company had owned every piece of Zimbabwe. From the 1890s, this part of Africa called Zimbabwe was under this White supremacist entity in which the African people were completely dispossessed from their ancestral land by the White people.
Their land and natural resources were taken violently and divided among European invaders so-called settlers. Imagine, a group of foreigners coming to your land and loath you and your land, culture, way of life and make you subjects and at the same time make your resources their assets as solely belonging to them.
Consequently, it took the determination of African people under the leadership of President Robert Mugabe to pick up arms and to resist the massive exploitative evil colonial system and exclusive exploitation of their ancestral resources, their God-given resources looted by the alien minority called Rhodesian white people. It took 10 years of heroic armed struggle for Mugabe and his comrades of ZANLA and ZIPRA the military wings of the two political parties ZANU and ZAPU to liberate Zimbabwe from the Aliens/ European/”White” people. It was in 1987 that these heroic parties formed the People’s Manifesto of ZANU-PF.
For 30 years of constructive leadership, the essence of ZANU-PF’s ideology is to economically empower the African people of Zimbabwe through the Indigenisation programme by enabling them to fully own their country’s God-given natural and human resources and the exclusively means of production to create by unlocking the value from those immense resources. This is the reason we dearly love president Robert Mugabe with this revolutionary program: the INDIGENISATION and what I call myself the AFRICANISATION. The indigenization is the conducive environment that recognizes Zimbabwe’s total ownership of all its natural resources that clearly demonstrates the expression of its national sovereignty. And nobody can take away from them.
Yes, indigenization is the real freedom and that has be expanded through the entire African continent which according to World Bank there is still an estimation of 65% of Africa’s best arable land is still controlled by White/Alien settlers or Western companies so-called multinational corporations under the fabrication term of “investors” . The World Bank has also estimated that there is as much as 70% of the net wealth in Africa is owned by non-African people. On so many levels, Africa is being over-looted by the West and the Western people are the first ones to say that “Africa is under-developed”. The African people must stop it because Africa is for African people. Seriously, I cannot see one ounce of sense in this insanity where we the African people are losing over our own resources and only a sliver of “White”/European so-called elites with their Negro nincompoops or traitors “winning” in these lame term of “investors” or “globalism” escapades. Really, who in blue blazes would even think that the way the
What could possibly go wrong with President Mugabe with his program of indigenization to better the lives of its citizens by giving them all the exclusive right to full possess and own their resources?You have to be a nut if you are an African person and even another race to think that the indigenization programme of the ZANU-PF and President Mugabe is bad for the Zimbabwean people.
So in a way, everyone in a community is a stakeholder in that endeavor and has investment there. The return should be stable and attractive domestic opportunities, the Zimbabweans and Africans in large.
The mining and extraction of precious resources, like oil, natural gas, gold, zinc, and platinum, diamond, ore, cobalt must be exclusively under the control of the African people ,but not to go and enrich the Western corporations. We can’t allow our resources being shipped to the West and in return the Western companies sell to us with high premium. We the African people must not only control its raw materials but also by emphasizing on the building manufacturing capacity by turning our natural resources to finished goods. African people must indigenize/ africanise their economies at all level. We suppose to be the number 1 world power because we possess 90% of all the world natural precious resources.
No longer will Europeans take our natural resources; no longer will they control our industrial processes. We will not be burdened; we will not be stripped of our land, our pride, our Africa. If Africans indigenise our economies and resolutely build the capacity to refine our crude oil, gold and platinum, as well as the capability to cut and polish our diamonds, we will certainly turn this into an African century.
By Nimba Mhaat Monnemuh d’Eburnie