"Politics in West Africa":"Is president "Allassane Ouattara" still loosing the support of his main allies?(Usa and France)(Part2)
Le 30 décembre 2011 par IvoireBusiness - Politics has its space, and life is so often tracked by so many ups and downs: Being formerly the apple of his main
Le 30 décembre 2011 par IvoireBusiness - Politics has its space, and life is so often tracked by so many ups and downs: Being formerly the apple of his main
allies'eyes since APRIL 2011,the political table seems to turn by this time, unfortunately against president "ALLASSANE Ouattara's own will! He will indeed unfortunately realize one day that politics is grounded in permanent compromises and special abilities...Let's come to the facts in the "Ivory Coast":Recently, according to credible sources from ("La lettre du continent"-"letter from the continent", "french newspaper on line", president "ALLASSANE Ouattara's next trip to Paris, has been postponed, because this project meets the french first lady's(Carla Bruni Sarkozy) opposition! Furthermore, she couldn't stand what kept on taking place in the "Ivory Coast", as far as bloodshed, permanent violation of the fundamental human rights were concerned in this Ivory Coast! Secondly, Usa foreign secretary led by "Hilary Clinton", recently advised american citizens against travelling to 31 countries at risk, all over the world: Among is the "Ivory Coast",(former america's stepchild)...How can we explain this sudden american position change about the "Ivory Coast"? Basically, the key reasons can take into account higher insecurity, permanent violation of the fundamental human rights and political instability in the "Ivory COAST" since April 2011!Consequently, innocent civilians, who are ivorian country people, are still paying the price of those deaths squad, because their lives are still going down to the drain in the "Ivory Coast", namely in cities like "Vavoua", "Duekoué", "Sikensi" and many more...!No doubt, it's wellknown that, blooshed, unprecedented crimes, tears of shame and daily wailing keep on remaining the national anthem and coffee of most of the ivorian people in this part of WEST AFRICA since president "ALLASSANE OUATTARA" took over(April 2011), in a political background grounded in a conspicuous controversy! Is it another sign of what would occur later on when president "Allassane Ouattara" is still loosing gradually the support of his main allies(USA and France), country people, also his national ivorian political allies(PDCI PARTY)?Can he be hopeful in a brighter future for the "Ivory Coast" as a whole, in this current turmoil and permanent battlefield? Who the cap fits, wear it! Only God knows...
(Yves T Bouazo)