"Politics in West AFRICA": President "Allassane Ouattara", new america's stepchild?

Le 24 septembre 2011 par IvoireBusiness - "Ivory Coast" has been one of the closest allies to AMERICA over four decades, namely during the

Alassane Dramane Ouattara.

Le 24 septembre 2011 par IvoireBusiness - "Ivory Coast" has been one of the closest allies to AMERICA over four decades, namely during the

last cold war! Nowadays, since APRIL 2011 when PRESIDENT "ALLASSANE OUATTARA" took over closely with the diplomatic backing of his main allies; America, France, european community... Meanwhile, he still remains in the eyes of the international public opinion more america's stepchild in different fields: culturally, politically and economically. First and foremost, one must not forget the fact that president "ALLASSANE OUATTARA" has studied in Usa and has got a "PHD" in economy from an american university. Furthermore,, he has worked for the african division of the "IMF" (international monetary fund) in New YORK for almost one decade! In addition to that crucial reality, he has got the mastership of the american english, and also got a chance to be familiar with the american puritanism. Therefore, president "ALLASSANE OUATTARA" seems to be now a full american in disguise more than an african leader...Consequently,he naturally consideres the essential american values such as: liberty, democracy , hard working his own! Recently, he has tried to manage somehow being in the USA, that there was an economic emergency as far as economic aid is concerned in the "IvORY COAST"! That to say basically, a so called economic Marshal plan in the "Ivory Coast" in the months to come, hat would be helpful to the "Ivory Coast" right now! That means in terms of facts that cash money still remains the bedrock of the current ivorian government at the present time. In the same trend, according to some ivorian government officials, president "ALLASSANE OUATTARA" is trying hard to wipe away the shortcomings of the african societies as a whole, namely blatant corruption by instilling a new form of new government transparency in the minds of new ivorian government officials: A conspicuous first trumpet and warning for those who failed to understand that AFRICA must go forward. Time will tell and wait and see!
Yves T Bouazo