"Politics in West Africa": Is the "Ivory Coast" on the brink of a new oligarchy? (PART2 AND LAST PART)
Le 17 mars 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - In historical terms, one must keep in mind that oligarchic tendencies are most marked in third world politics, particularly in most of the african states, because of the very uneven distribution of political
Le 17 mars 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - In historical terms, one must keep in mind that oligarchic tendencies are most marked in third world politics, particularly in most of the african states, because of the very uneven distribution of political
resources...Furthermore, oligarchy basically means the rule of a few as it is in the current ivorian political background, where tribalism and nepotism are at the center of the current ivorian regime strategy: Grounded in conspicuous and objective facts, we can confirm that ivorian president "ALLASSANE Ouattara" seems to run the country closely with his family, relatives and members of his tribe: Namely, his wife , junior brother(nicknamed"copy") and relatives are altogether in top ivorian government position in his cabinet in the "Ivory Coast": An unprecedented case in the political set up and history of the "Ivory Coast"! In addition to that crucial realities, almost (80%) of people from the northern part of the «Ivory Coast», are also in government position that can strengthen blatant nepotism and tribalism strategy in a country of various tribes! As far president Ouattara's rhetoric is concerned, he could not help asserting the world: "remedial strategy" to recruit people from the north in the army and the administration. But that reality keeps on pointing out a relevant controversy in the ivorian society, where permanent frustrations such as ethnic cleansing, can lead to any type of social skids in a fragile country! We hope that our analysis won't be taken for granted, and can raise the conscious of ivorian politicians high in this ivorian so called turmoil... Time will really tell…
(Yves T Bouazo)