Le 08 mars 2012 par IvoireBusiness - The last two weeks have witnessed the politicians from the West being taken by a great fear. It was not about the Euro zone financial crisis. This state of mind was justified by the idea that the West
did not want to see mister Putin elected as the old-new-never-went president of the Russian Federation. But, the man is back and this news could be a good one for the nations oppressed by the West. For since the collapse of the Berlin wall, the West has been a free rider from one continent to another.
Le 08 mars 2012 par IvoireBusiness - The last two weeks have witnessed the politicians from the West being taken by a great fear. It was not about the Euro zone financial crisis. This state of mind was justified by the idea that the West
did not want to see mister Putin elected as the old-new-never-went president of the Russian Federation. But, the man is back and this news could be a good one for the nations oppressed by the West. For since the collapse of the Berlin wall, the West has been a free rider from one continent to another.
In the West the mainstream media, the politicians and other groups were very much concerned about sir Putin’s return at the summit of the state that the U.S and its allies thought that they had terminated over twenty years ago. Should we say that the ‘beast’ is back and it could be more ferocious than ever?
Like him or not, you cannot ignore him.
During the old cold war, many developing country found protection under the wind or the ‘red country’. Countries like Guinea, Congo, Burkina Faso with Thomas Sankara, Angola and many more from other continents sought protection from Russia. That was the time of ‘the equilibrium of terror’. But, the fall or the end of Communism that was celebrated by Kennan, Fukuyama and others has seen more suffering in Africa and elsewhere. The defenders of democracy did not improve the lives of the third-world countries. In the contrary, more wars have disintegrated the world in the last twenty or more years than before. The U.S, the U.K and their puppets went to war in Iraq without the consent of the U.N Security Council. Afghanistan has been destroyed by the defenders of ‘humanitarian wars’. 2010-2011 not knowing what is coming in 2012, has seen a rapid return of the westerners on the African continent and elsewhere. Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, the Ivory Coast, Syria and many more have collapsed or are being destroyed by the bombs from the West. The sufferings of women, children and adults from these countries are insignificant besides the real reasons behind the ‘good Samaritans’ actions’ the West pretend to carry out in the soils of the innocent people killed daily before our eyes.
Women and even children under the age of ten (10) are violated in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the Ivory Coast by the U.N gangsters called ‘soldiers’ inappropriately. “If only a dozen UN peacekeepers were punished for sexual abuse and rape, then that means, for instance, most of the 114 Sri Lankan soldiers deported back to Sri Lanka from Haiti in 2007 for sexual abuse and rape in Haiti did not get punished,” Dantò wrote, citing other examples as well. “Humanitarian aid workers and UN peacekeepers accused of sexually abusing and sexual trafficking children in Haiti should have their names and their country’s identities exposed so that this matter may be cleaned up once and for all.”(Alex Newman, 08 September 2011) and “Outrage is mounting around the world against United Nations “peace-keeping” soldiers as sex-crime allegations, ranging from charges of rape and exploitation in Haiti to wide-spread sexual abuse of children in the Ivory Coast, have exploded into the headlines this week” (idem).
But, who cares, no one as Africa and the other non-European continents belong to the ‘world saviours’ represented by the U.S, its European partners and their corporations.
In the psyche of the politicians from the West, anything must be done to stop China. China has become the world second biggest economy, but it is militarily toothless. So, the West, although it depends on China to save salvage its financial system, is not afraid of Mao’s country’s might. The West can do what it wants to satisfy its hunger (raw materials, land grabbing and enlargement of its market).
But, with Sir Putin’s return on the top of the soviet state, many analysts and decision makers believe that the oppressed countries and their inhabitants will have a fresh air to breath, a normal life to live and some food on their tables. Because, with Sir Putin, Russia will fill the vacuum of equilibrium that gave too much freedom to the West in the last two decades or more. Sir Putin before his return to the throne vowed to rebuild his defence. He promised almost $800 billions for the modernisation of the army. He is not happy with the U.S incursion in its zone (the case of Poland and Ukraine). President Putin has contently refused to back any UN resolutions against its ally (Syria) and it is also raising its voice against any actions that could destroy Iran. The Israeli Premier’s recent visit to President Obama might have played a great role in the u-turn made by the latter in his decision to use any means, even military actions, to pressurise President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who is seen by the West as an enemy of world peace. However, we believe that President Putin’s return (he has never gone) on the world stage has made President Obama to think again. Even the thoughts to utilize the Libyan tactics in Syria have been shelved. The media from the West have been seized by a sudden amnesia about ‘the humanitarian intervention’ they were advocating ‘to save the poor Syrians’. They wanted arms to be given to the rebels. Alls their magic tones and war expertise have vanished since it was clear that Sir Putin was coming back with full power. He even made fool of the West by getting a book about him published in London and elsewhere. ‘Putin is coming’ is the title of the book seen by millions on the bill boards and on the buses. He is really back and believe it or not; like it or not, the oppressed countries where the West’s friends are killing scores of innocent people, will definitely breathe a fresh air, at least.
Sylvain De Bogou