"French presidential elections": "FRANCE Moving towards Socialism?"
Le 24 avril 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - Politics has got it space and right time! After french presidential elections (first round-April 22nd), it appears clearly that French left
Le 24 avril 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - Politics has got it space and right time! After french presidential elections (first round-April 22nd), it appears clearly that French left
wing leader, namely the socialist "François Hollande" seems to be the next french president, an analysis grounded in some conspicuous facts! Therefore, Europe seems to be on its way to socialism now:"Danemark", "Belgium", "France" and "Germany", perhaps in the months to come... Basically, it's a change of fortune politically, as far as the french right-wing is concerned, due to social inequity and economic recession in EUROPE as a whole, and particularly in France! That's the reason why, the socialist leader "François Hollande's main challenge rests in stimulating the european economic growth, also to regulate financial powers worldwide...But basically, what does Socialism stand for? it's indeed a creed with many variants, but generally speaking, all socialists are broadly committed to the idea of equality and to policies intended to bring it about. These traditionally included the collective ownership of the economy as well as extensive welfare measures. Unlike communists, socialists have generally rejected revolution as a mean of achieving socialism and have insisted on parliamentary methods: The emphasis upon collective ownership has also been de-emphasised by many socialist parties. Moreover, what remains are moderately reformist parties with egalitarian intention. Definitely, the values of Socialism are grounded in equality, social justice, tolerance, love of humanity, freedom and true democracy! Someone said it in his lyrics:
"Social living is the best!".
(Yves T Bouazo)