Cameroon: Individual Human rights versus the public
Par Correspondance particulière - Individual Human rights versus the public in Cameroon.
Cameroon is one of the countries where gays, lesbians and transsexuals have been made “public enemies” according to one of our interviewees. And, another stated that it is a not only a public stigma to be a gay, a lesbian or a transsexual in Cameroon. We met these people in central London on August 10th, 2013. They were taking part in the sit in against Russia.
These persons, a man and a woman who chose to be called “Ben” and “Jacqui” for their safety and other considerations such as their friendship and their image among their community in Britain, claimed that they have not been in their country for long time.
Mr. “Ben” claimed that he escaped prison in extremis the last time he was in Cameroon because his ex-partner “grassed him” (told the local authorities) with a letter while himself flew the country. Ms. “Jacqui” said that her entire family has been blamed for her sexual choice and declared “the disease family” in the suburb of Yaoundé where they have lived for generations. For her, Cameroon is “a no go area if she wants to carry on with her life”. In our investigation, we also met recently Ms. Happy Solange who claimed that she was ready to use her own name to expose the sufferings and stigmatization of gays, lesbians and transsexuals in Cameroon. She met us with a Cameroonian newspaper that named her as an outcast. She claimed that her male partner for being a bisexual; she has lost contact with her children because “their father and her own extended family do not want her to pass her disease to the children”. Apparently, she is depressed and “lost” in the meanders of Britain where she arrived few over a week ago before our meeting.
In fact, what the laws say in Cameroon? In Cameroon, Section 347 of the Penal Code bans same sexual acts with a penalty of five (5) years imprisonment and a fine that goes from 20,000 F CFA to 200,000 F CFA.
A list of fifty (50) high personalities was published by local newspapers few months back and this publication led to the arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Jean Pierre Amougou Belinga (4 months jail term) and Mr. Gregoire Owana (a former minister) was among the “named and shamed”.
“The public is very keen on protection the traditions and it is right behind any laws against us”, stated Ms. Happy Solange. “But, we are going to fight until the authorities accept us as we are”, she concluded.
In the end, Cameroon is not the only country where gays face a huge amount of obstacles in their quest for their individual rights. Russia, Lesotho, Zimbabwe and many more are places where gays live undercover.
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Shadow Report
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