"World economy":"AMERICA eager to get a piece of the ivorian economic cake now!

Le 13 janvier 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - In this world of interdependency and competition, international political backing up seems to be based on economic interest: Therefore, the basic

Obama et des leaders africains à la maison blanche.

Le 13 janvier 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - In this world of interdependency and competition, international political backing up seems to be based on economic interest: Therefore, the basic

american policy of the big stick seems to go on in "Africa", namely in the gulf of "Guinea"(worthy treasure of oil resources, minerals, gas, gold, diamonds).Meanwhile being one the main allies of the ivorian President "Allassane Ouattara's regime, "America" is eager to benefit from this wealthy ivorian market as a whole, when taking into account the essential american's win win capitalism philosophy: That's to say , it can be profitable for "USA" to be a shareholder in a few constant ivorian companies such as: the unit thermal of energy called "AZITO", or paving the way of eventual navigation stations for diplomatic communications so as to neutralize "ALQUADAI" IN "WEST AFRICA", according to some credible sources! But, it's too early to confirm it now...Officially, "Usa" foreign secretary "Hilary Clinton" is planning to visit the "Ivory Coast"(visit scheduled January 16th-17th 2012), to make everything clear and takes stock of the ivorian econonic situation, as far the american shares and interest are concerned in the ivorian vast economic market after their stepchild, "Allassane Ouattara" took over: Business is business in the american mind, also american material philosophy grounded in puritanism and quakerism still lingers in the minds of american government officials such as: "Hilary CLINTON" till now...Basically, "USA" FOREIGN SECRETARY HILARY CLINTON will surely take the opportunity in "Abidjan"(economic capital city of the "Ivory Coast") to call on PRESIDENT "Allassane Ouattara" on the basis of the former permanent human rights violations in the "ivory Coast", previoulsly pointed out by "human rights watch" and "Amnesty international", since (APRIL 11TH 2011)! Being part of the american democratic values since ever, to garantee international human rights is important to some extent in the american civilization....A well as true democracy, with regard to the recent i parliamentary elections, still suffering from real popular legitimacy in the "Ivory Coast": Relevant issues that are predominantly labelled as the cancer of the whole "Africa" in the new millenium: lack of african government capacity, a major challenge for african post independence leaders!

(Yves T Bouazo)