"Spotlight on the speedy international communication": "How breaking news rush from corner to corner worldwide till today?(Part1)

Le 09 mars 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - In this rush of modern life, specially in international communication terms, we live in a "global village": Therefore, the world has been compressed into a television set! onsequently, to go back to the


Le 09 mars 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - In this rush of modern life, specially in international communication terms, we live in a "global village": Therefore, the world has been compressed into a television set! onsequently, to go back to the

world history,, in (1776), it took fifty days for news of the english reaction to the "american declaration of Independence" to get back to the United states of America. In (1950), british reaction to the outbreak of the korean war was broadcast in "America" in twenty-four hours... With advances in satellite broadcasting, reports filmed in "great Britain" now take a mere 25 seconds to reach american TV screens, according to credible sources! That relevant evolution can be labeled as the miracle of the international communication nowadays: We now take for granted the almost immediate transmission of news worthy events around the world. When the allied powers launched attacks on Iraq in the (1991) gulf war, news reporters in "Baghdad" broadcast live to the world as the missiles whizzed overhead on their way sometimes, to their program target. In the same trend, in America, the american(Cnn) cable news network supplied coverage of the conflict around the clock and accross the globe. Moreover, as far "AFRICA" is concerned politically, we can take into account an unprecedented proof of international speedy communications, namely during the last presidential ivorian election: It only took 5 minutes to spread out false breaking news arguing that "ALLASSANE OUATTARA" was the new elected president of the "Ivory Coas"t on: "Cnn", "Bfm-tv", "I telé", "FRANCE 24"," BBc"...A political situation we never experienced before in the political history of the "Ivory Coast". But in reality, those so called breakings news were grounded in an international oriented conspiracy targeted at "Laurent Gbagbo'regime...Till now, we keep on asking ourselves in an investigation spirit, who was the real winner of the Ivorian latest presidential election ?Perhaps, till will tell sooner...Apart from that political sad reality, the world has also been shrunk by the growth in mass travel: A strategic field like tourism is now the world's largest industry in countries such as:"Sechelles", "Senegal", "Kenya" ,"SPAIN", "TURKEY", "France"...That's the reason why the growth of tourism exposes the host nation and the traveller, to international standards of transport, communications and consumption. As a result,, both sides develop a broader, and sometimes more critical, perspective on their own society. To some extent, tourism becomes a form of international political socialisation. For instance, in the summer of (1991), the cities of western Europe were full of young tourists from eastern Europe, experiencing for the first time the pleasures and the prices of cities such as: "London", "Paris" and "Rome". Meanwhile, long-distance travel also opens up the possibility of mass migration from poorer to richer parts of the global village: This creates new tensions of its own! By early (1990s), support for right-wing movements was growing in several european countries, in protest at the presence of guest workers and immigrant groups. In this respect, the world is closing rather than opening: In consequence, immigration controls between the first and the third world have grown stricter over the years...The main question is: What difference has global communications made to national governments? In essence, it has created unquestionably more open societies! In addition to that crucial reality, it is now harder than ever for governments to isolate their populations from international developments , because we are more and more bound to live in open societies, where exchanging with the outside world, remains the basic social philosophy internationally. But, being an open society does not signify, being invaded by largest immigrant groups, because the host nation as it is right now, in the "Ivory COAST", living legend of african hospitalty, deserves better in this current ivorian turmoil....Only God knows!

(Yves T Bouazo)