"Spotlight on mass media power":"The international press as a major instrument in post african independence"!

Le 10 février 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - (As far as french african states are concerned, they finally gained their so called independence around the sixties, except two great african countries such as :"Ghana"(former gold coast) of

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Le 10 février 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - (As far as french african states are concerned, they finally gained their so called independence around the sixties, except two great african countries such as :"Ghana"(former gold coast) of

former african nationalist (Osagefo Kwamé N'KRUMA) in (1956), also "GUINEA-CONAKRY" ,from The late "Hamed Sekou Touré" in 1958! Those african leaders assumed the presidency respectively in their countries, but were at the same time the permanent targets of western imperialists, through strong propaganda strategy. One can remember the first official visit in "Paris" of former guinea leader "Sekou Touré" in "Paris" in the eighties, being invited by french president "François Mitterrand", close to the french left wing. At a particular period, the first things President "Sekou TOURE" did was to hold a press conference, where he gave some insightful informations about the history of "Guinea". He even warned that he was portrayed diabolically in the french press, but this was the result of western manipulated reporters, who did not know the realities of "Guinea"!He also requested french reporters to refrain from publishing "speculative news" and reiterated his intentions to remain close to France!"President "François Mitterrand" understands us and is interested in us till now and is the best friend we can have!But in "GHANA", "Osagefo Kwame N'KRUMA" had at that time other troubles, his neighbor from the "Ivory COAST" president "HOUPHOUET" BOIGNY" was challenging him behind closed doors for what he did not know...Meanwhile, they even talked to each others without any translator, because they had got the chance to speak to the same "N'zima" west african language at that time. Finally, when "Osagefo Kwame N'kruma" was overthrown, undoubtedly the first to rejoice was "Houphouet Boigny", his first challenger through power struggle. Moreover, in (2000) when left wing leader "Laurent gbagbo", a sholar took over in the "Ivory Coast", it signified an unexpected unprecedented political alternative in the history of the "Ivory COAST". the western press at that time was in a hurry to do its job by demonizing "Laurent GBAGBO": a new target of the french press, through strong and sufficient media propaganda all over Europe! In the same tend , this propaganda has got the tacit european support. What about the local press? it has failed to retaliate on media grounds. that's was the weeakness of african press as a whole! Consequently,the great western press has been finally cast in the role of kingmaker in the ivorian politics till now: The power of the french press in the local ivorian political scene lay in its impact on the minds of top french decision-makers. Meanwhile, press articles on the "Ivory Coast" might deal with well-worn topics like grafts and corruption, bureacratic inefficiency, agrarian unrest, freedom of speech, fundamental human rights violations, democracy! But they could be one of decisive influence in the question of which ivorian politician and french officials would support come election time. Since majority of voters still had the colonial orientation and would have the tendency to vote for candidates with obvious french backing, adverse publicity in the french press could spell the political death of any incumbent or aspiring ivorian politician. Never forget it!

(Yves T Bouazo)