VENANCE KONAN: On the itinary of a manipulated ivorian press man

Le 02 mai 2011 par IvoireBusiness - Under the rule of president "Laurent Gbagbo", a proud and nationalist african leader,

De gauche à droite: Jean Baptiste Akrou, Mme Zunon, Venance Konan. De autre presse.

Le 02 mai 2011 par IvoireBusiness - Under the rule of president "Laurent Gbagbo", a proud and nationalist african leader,

ivorian press men close to the right wing chose where to cast their lot through propaganda machine and misinformation."Venance Konan" was indeed a manipulated press man who used to be involved in this type of communication strategy to make himself conspicuous for his own professional aspirations! Then, he played a key role to portray "Laurent GBAGBO" in a negative way. Down the line, the time has come for him to enjoy his personal reward, being promoted now the new editor of the ivorian independent daily newspaper called "Fraternité Matin"!As a matter of fact, the study of the development of the press in any society presupposes the study of the history of that society itself. Therefore, the press is an institution woven into the fabric of society. So close is the relationship between press and society that one can not be dealt with separetely from the other. It is impossible to conceptualize the press as it existed in a social vacum.It strenghens and weakness its problems and goals, the dynamics of its development merely reflect those of society.Moerover, the press always takes on the form and coloration of the social and political structures within which operates. It is strongly affected and limited by the nature of the environment. Media practitioners are products of their society, their social experiences affect the way they do their job. Economic, political, and socio-cultural factors determine communication patterns and use in an institution such as the press. Consequently, the growth of mass media is itself a function of industrial development as societies move toward modernization. All this, however, does not mean that the press can not be an instrument of social change! In general, it is conservative and stabilizing force. But periods of acute political conflicts like the current ivorian turmoil, it can even serve as a catalyst for self determination, sovereignty, liberty and revolutionary transformation. Ivorian journalists as a whole, have a key role to play in this current turmoil, so as to awake people's consciousness: A primary example is that some ivorian newspapers such as "le temps"," notre voie" close to the ivorian left wing which served to galvanize the new anti neocolonial ivorian struggle in the current turmoil, are unfortunately muzzled and censored since the french military coup in the Ivory Coast! Definitely, we come to the conclusion that, the ivorian press must take part in the struggle of the ivorian sovereignty,self determination and liberty of a young postcolonial independent country like "Ivory Coast".Thefore, "Ivory Coast" must carry the heavy load of freedom and liberty on its back , consequently ivorian patriots must keep struggling on to cast away french neocolonial stooges right now in the "Ivory Coast"...

Yves T Bouazo