Tribune: Soro Guillaume, the marionette/Puppet of France to destabilize Côte d'Ivoire
Par Correspondance particulière - Soro Guillaume, the marionette/Puppet of France to destabilize Côte d'Ivoire.
Sometimes we say that " Africa was invaded by the "Blacks" for the interests of the West" and this assumption applies very well in Cote d'Ivoire ( Ivory Coast) with Soro Guillaume, a former "leader" of FESCI ( Academic and Student Federation of Cote d'Ivoire) who tunrs himself to be a rebel for the interest of the West. By the means of arms, Soro Guillaume has become the “President” of the National Assembly of Cote d’Ivoire. He is the number 1 leader of Cote d’Ivoire after the “President” Allassane Ouattara. Through rebellion, Soro Guillaume has made great strides. In 2001, He became the General Secretary of the rebel group called “Force Nouvelles”. After the breakdown of the rebellion in 2002 in failing to take over the governmental force in 2002, the “Force Nouvelles” have taken in hostage almost half of the territory of the country especially the northern part of the country. Soro Guillaume in his position of the Secretary General, the pillage of the resources such as diamonds, sugar, cotton,gold,coffee, and others resources.
Ironically, the same individual who was claiming to bear arm to fight against the government of Laurent Gbagbo because of the regional or ethnic “discrimination” that “his” people of the “North” of Cote d’Ivoire have been victims, is the one who is behind the impoverishment and the destruction of the same region he pretended to “defend”.
In the effort to bring peace in Cote d’Ivoire between the government of President Laurent Gbagbo and the rebel coalitions, Soro Guillaume became a member of the government of the national reconciliation from February 2003 to Mars 2007 where he successively held some positions as Minister of Communication and Minister of Reconstruction and Reinsertion.
We have here a war criminal for now protected by the so-called "international community"=France, and US. His name is Soro Guillaume, the rebel chief of FRCI in Cote d'Ivoire( Ivory Coast).Since 2002,France in its attempt to slow the economical and political progress of the government of president Laurent Gbagbo who was democratically elected in 2000, has created a rebellion led by a under graduate student by the name of Soro Guillaume and the lackey Allassane Ouattara. The plotter: the Western countries in particular France has set up the decoy which is to stay behind and control its puppets to overthrow the government of Laurent Gbagbo.
The Chief rebel of MPCI, Soro Guillaume has since committed the most and worst atrocities in Cote d'Ivoire ( Ivory Coast) with several thousands of people with France and UN as the accomplices. The rebel "leaders" like Soro Guillaume who even doesn't have a college diplomat, but Ph-D in killing,was welcomed with open arms by French government and he has even made some appearances on "major" French television networks such as RFI,TV5,etc to try vividly justify his war crimes by promoting his so-called book entitled " Pourquoi je suis devenu rebelle=Why I have become a rebel". Oh yeah, nothing surprising because the birds of the same feather flock together. Soro Guillaume=France=Allassane Ouattara= rebel groups: RDR, FRCI.
The rebel groups( FRCI,RDR) led by this nincompoop here are the aggressors of Cote d'Ivoire with the assistance of U.N. Blue Helmets and French army "La Licorne deployed in Cote d'Ivoire since 2002 after the failing first coup d'Etat against president Laurent Gbagbo. Soro Guillaume and his rebels have hunted down and killed thousands of people. They have devastated the northern part of Cote d'Ivoire ( Ivory Coast) that they were pretended to fight for the cause. They have terrorized countryside, villages, burn houses, huts, and the like. Until now, ICC has not launched any investigations against Soro Guillaume who is anyway known by many of these NGOs as a war criminal. He is the perfect example of someone to not follow as a hero for the African youth
Une contribution By Nimba Mhaat d'Eburnie.