"Politics in West Africa": When taking stock of "Hilary Clinton's visit to the "Ivory COAST"
Le 18 janvier 2012 par Ivoirebusiness -"USA" foreign secretary "Hilary Clinton" paid recently a visit to "West AFRICA" (January 16-20th), namely in "LIBERIA", "IVORY
Le 18 janvier 2012 par Ivoirebusiness -"USA" foreign secretary "Hilary Clinton" paid recently a visit to "West AFRICA" (January 16-20th), namely in "LIBERIA", "IVORY
COAST", "TOGO", "CAP VERT":With regard to the "Usa" diplomatic relations, we keep on wondering, what was basically the real meaning of those trips to countries, being part of the gulf of Guinea? To make everything absolutely clear, "LIBERIA"(land of freedom), located in "WEST Africa" is labeled since ever, as the first american stepchild in the whole Africa since the country gained its independence in (1847), formerly created by freed african captives from "Usa"! Meanwhile, the capital city "Monrovia" was named after "Usa" former president "Monroe"! Furthermore, "LIBERIA" and "Usa" used the same Us currency(us dollar) over one century, and "USA", also Usa used to train liberian army! In the same trend, "USA" and "Liberia" have got navigation stations for diplomatic communications, a so called unprecedented perfect relationship internationally. At that period, "LIBERIA" AND "Ivory Coast" were considered as the closest american allies in "WEST Africa"(from 1960 to 1993).That's the reason why former ivorian president "Felix Houphouet Boigny" even advised secretly former liberian president the late "William TOLBERT"(1971-1980) to integrate liberian natives country people in the whole liberian political structures at that time! Unfortunately, "William Tolbert" didn't take into account "Houphouet Boigny 's worthy advices: That was the roots of the first bloody military coup led by one country people Sergent "Samuel Kanyon DOE" (27 years old at that period) ), closely with 17 other natives in (September 1980) in "Monrovia", the capital city of "Liberia"...On the other hand, "HILARY Clinton" came to t "LIBERIA" to give an official support to the new elected female liberian president "Ellen Jhonson shirleaf's regime , also to give a diplomatic political backing to the new liberian train of democracy: That's to say to some extent , "LIBERIA", after two decades of war seems to set today, a good example of a true democracy in "West AFRICA", a good political experience to fulfill in the "IVORY Coast" now, where lack of government capacity still remains a conspicuous political cancer! Meanwhile, the aim which stirs Us foreign secretary to action, is to call on "Allasane ouattara" on the basis of the permanent violations of the fundamental human rights in the "Ivory Coast" right now, pointed out by "human rights watch" and "amnesty international", also to try to strengthen the roots of an eventual true democracy in the "Ivory COAST", after recent parliamentary elections in the country, still suffering from a real popular legitimacy: a challenge to overcome in the "Ivory COAST" right now! Wait and see!
(Yves T Bouazo)