"POLITICS AGENDA": "Spotlight on Politics and Government", an outlook and point of view to be shared.
Par IvoireBusiness (EDITORIAL) - "POLITICS AGENDA"by Yves Bouazo.
Recently in the "IVORY COAST" local elections took place and the results seem to be in favour of the
("pdci party"-democratic party and some independent leaders). Meanwhile, we take a great opportunity to comment and analyze this relevant field of poltics as a whole in our contemporary era.
First and foremost, what POLITICS stands for as a whole? Basically, we keep on asking ourselves in the whole third world countries, particularly in AFRICA...is it a struggle against , oppression, injustice, corruption , selfishness and greed? Are we entering an arena of boxing?
That are some relevant questions to answer, while most of the elections in the whole AFRICA seem to compared to tribal wars or violent confrontations...
(...)Basically, whatis Politics? In our view, politics is the process by which groups make collective decisions.The size of the group can vary from a single family at one extreme to the international community at the other.As a matter of fact, political decisions are also arrived at in various ways: by violence, by discussion, by custom, by bargaining, even on occasion by voting.
What makes them political, however, is their collective character, affecting and committing those who belong to the group.
Politics does not always involve conflict. Indeed, one reason for studying politics is to search out the conditions under which groups can achieve their goals peacefully and effectively. In this sense, politics is a constructive and practical subject. However, much of the flavour of politics springs from the fact that members of a group rarely agree, at least initially, on that course of action to follow. Even if there is agreement over goals, there may still be disagreement over means.
Disagreement arise, in part, from scarcity. However big the pie, there is sure to be some haggling over the size of the slices. Limited resources mean that some goals must be given priority and that some sections within a group are likely to be treated more favourably than others. But conflict also springs from natural differences of opinion. A nomadic tribe must decide collectively when itis time to move on; A modern nation-state must decide collectively whether it should be go to war. When the group as a whole is involved, there can only be one decision. Thus the content of politics involves setting goals and takind decisions for a group, as well as deciding how resources should be distributed within it.
In addition to that approach of politics, an african american free thinker, lady "QUEEN" has recently given way to her innovative approach of politics by saying that: "Politicians enter an arena of BOXING! Many appreciate including(her) despite the reality that it is a very bloody sport!
What amazes her most about boxing is the fact that once the competitors are in the ring, they must compete and finish the fight...(no retreat nor surrender...)
Although there is the possibility of being knocked down, the hope remains to stand up and continue participating in the fight.
However, if you are totally knocked out well then the fight is over! And there will be a lot of
disappointed people, because they valued something that did not live up to their expectations.
Excuses are loosers, they pay for it and they own it, she argued!
Basically another wise approach of politics compared to boxing...
Wait and see!
(YVES TBOUAZO)(the intro , follow up, conclusion are from the staff-"Ivoirebusiness"-(OFFICIAL SOURCES):"comparative government and politics (third edition from ROD HAGUE, MARTIN HARROP and SHAUN BRESLIN).