Live & Work in USA - Participate in the Official US Green Card Lottery!

Le 19 janvier 2011 - Live & Work in USA - Participate in the Official US Green Card Lottery!
50.000 People Will Win a Lifetime Green Card to USA.
This is the official USAGC Organization web site, which specializes in the registration to the American Green Card Lottery program for clients all over the world.Please make sure you do not register with any site that pretends to be the USAGC Organization. To make sure you register with USAGC Organization, check that at the top of the browser it is written USAGC.


Le 19 janvier 2011 - Live & Work in USA - Participate in the Official US Green Card Lottery!
50.000 People Will Win a Lifetime Green Card to USA.
This is the official USAGC Organization web site, which specializes in the registration to the American Green Card Lottery program for clients all over the world.Please make sure you do not register with any site that pretends to be the USAGC Organization. To make sure you register with USAGC Organization, check that at the top of the browser it is written USAGC.

USAGC Organization provides free green card eligibility test for everyone. In order to participate in the DV green card lottery program, one should take this eligibility test and make sure he /she follows the right constrains to apply for a green card. Green card eligibility terms are defined by the US Department of State.
USAGC sends e-mail updates.