Le 28 août 2012 par Correspondance particulière - Mr. Dramane Ouattara was openly backed by the West in the 2010 presidential elections that opposed him to President Laurent Gbagbo.


Le 28 août 2012 par Correspondance particulière - Mr. Dramane Ouattara was openly backed by the West in the 2010 presidential elections that opposed him to President Laurent Gbagbo.

Since April 11th 2011, he is on the throne. But, “the ADO solutions” he promised to the Ivorians during his campaign seem to have vanished. The Ivorians are not eating well as promised, the security situation is chaotic. And, Mr. Dramane’s friends care less about the daily kidnappings, the rapes, the killings and the arbitrary imprisonments that are going on in the Ivory Coast.
Mr. Sarkozy conducted the choir of President Gbagbo’s enemies. Around the world, the ambassadors appointed by President Gbagbo’s government were summoned to leave their posts by the host countries. The US, France and the UK were the first countries to fire the Ivorian ambassadors appointed by President Gbagbo. More than 3000 were killed by French, UN and Dramane’s troops in April 2011. These killings, according to our sources were done mostly by unconventional war practices (gases). The parents of the dead have no idea of where their loved ones have been buried and the new authorities refuse to reveal the places or what happened to the remains of these unfortunates.

In the region of Duékoué, west of the country, the gruesome killings, twice, of innocent people have moved no one around the world. Anyway, we are in a humanly constructed jungle where the interests of the world big corporations weight more than the rights of Africans. Mr. Dramane Ouattara is killing, daily, anyone suspected to be a supporter of the FPI. He is corrupting some organisations such as the Ghanaian Interpol and police (Ivoirebusiness.net 27 Aug. 12) to get the leaders of the deposed government (Case of Mr. Koné Katina who came back from South Africa). President Gbagbo’s former Defence Minister Lida Kouassi Moïse was caught and sent back from Togo few weeks ago and no lawyer has access to him. He was tortured and shown on the national television before his imprisonment. The former first Lady Simone Ehivet Gbagbo’s health is critical. She has no access to the minimum health care. With her, we have more than 2000 FPI members and simple supporters in prison without any charges against them.


In front of the recent attacks in the country against the Akouédo military base, Mr. Dramane and his militia converted into the national army (FRCI) have decided to send their gain (the FPI members and supporters) to prison to Burkina Faso and Mali.
Mr. Hamed Bakayoko, one of Mr. Dramane’s right hands, recently threatened the villagers of Dabou with imprisonment on the grounds that they are hiding the people who attack Mr. Dramane’s ruling. All the imprisonments and killings perpetrated by Mr. Dramane’s men are based on false denunciations, ethnicity and religion. If you are a Christian, you are more likely to be arrested and sent to prison without access to a lawyer. This chaotic situation is continuously mentioned in discussions, some few media, but the world deciders (the international community) keep quiet. There are at least two (2) million Ivorians in the neighbouring countries because of Mr. Dramane’s tyranny and the West’s ostrich policies.

The western part of the Ivory Coast (the Wê zone) is going through hell. There is a genocide taking place and the world is watching and doing nothing. Tomorrow, maybe tomorrow, the UN and other Human Rights Organizations will come to say “sorry” to the Ivorians like in the case of Rwanda where Kofi Annan then a special envoy for the UN secretary general, failed the people of Rwanda. Will these organizations shout “crimes, genocides, abuses of human rights” the day after tomorrow?
When the UN will play its role in any crises? It seems that the Organization has been founded to deepen the gap between the poor and the rich; between the powerful and the weak; between the big countries and the small ones. If all human beings are equal, the UN which played a disastrous role in the Ivorian 2010 presidential elections should revise its stance, swallow its pride and repair the chaos it helped to install.
The Ivory Coast is no more a “Miracle”, it is an aggregate of concentration camps.

Contribution by Sylvain De Bogou
Journalist, Writer and International Affairs Analyst.