"Focus on Business objectives": An american lady to set up in "Business" in Paris!

Le 10 avril 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - An american lady visited Paris recently to set up in "Business" in Paris recentlly:"Queen Adina Legare" spent almost one week in the french capital city labelled by most of the americans as one of the most

Adina Queen Le Gare et Yves Bouazo, rédacteur en chef Europe-Amérique d'IvoireBusiness.

Le 10 avril 2012 par IVOIREBUSINESS - An american lady visited Paris recently to set up in "Business" in Paris recentlly:"Queen Adina Legare" spent almost one week in the french capital city labelled by most of the americans as one of the most

romantic towns of the world! Feasibity study, Business plan (package), planning ahead, discussing future work, were at the center of her main time-table in Paris! Meanwhile, her marketing target seems to be the expanding sector of (Hair salon) in Paris! To some extent, being a pure product of her environment, the american capitalist system of free enterprise, based on private ownership producing for profit in the open market, "Queen Adina Legare" seems to be embarassed because as far as she is concerned, the french business environment has got some positive aspects and negative aspects, compared to the american market.....Down the line, she will have to make up her mind and take a risk to invest if possible:"i have done my job in paris in terms of marketing and business plan, but my junior sister has to make up her mind definetely so as to open a salon in Paris or not", she added: On the other hand, we have to instill in our minds the fact that, sometimes one can win or play loose in terms of business...It's the way it is in business...."

(Yves T Bouazo)